by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
I was standin’ outside Sutherland’s IGA store one mornin’ when I heard a flivver approachin’ down the street toward me. “Which way to Millinocket?” “Well, you can go west to the next intersection; get on to the turnpike; go north, through the tollgate at Augusta. When...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
The nature of the ministry of the church, the way in which it should be constituted and ordered, and the source and character of the authority dispensed by those who are ordained has a long history of examination and argument among Christian writers. Practically every...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Acknowledgments, Read
Only after I began writing this book did I realize how many of the ordained people who have most significantly influenced my faith and my life—both by friendship and example—were themselves bivocational pastors. One of them, my sixth-grade teacher Jerry Smith, is the...