by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read, Uncategorized
In Team 63 at C. E. MacDonald Middle School in East Lansing, Michigan, the sixth-grade math and science teacher was a fellow named Jerry Smith. Mr. Smith lives for me in the category of teachers you remember long after most of the rest of the parade of...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
Mark Wastler gets up most mornings between 5:30 and 6:00. Before doing anything else, he pulls on his work clothes, heads out the kitchen door to the enclosed field behind his house, and checks on a flock of some seventy sheep. Wastler has lived on this farm for just...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
Saint Luke’s in Hastings, Minnesota had come to a crossroads. A major project to improve access to the building for the disabled had taken a significant share of the endowment—and caused a rift in the congregation. Many chose to leave. Dollars left with them. Quickly,...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
The e-mail came in the midst of a busy Monday at work. It popped up in my inbox as I was taking notes at a meeting: Subject: Clericus on Wednesday—advance reading Dear Colleagues, I have heard from some of you regarding your in/ability to be with us on...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
Chapter XLII.—The order of ministers in the Church. The apostles have preached the Gospel to us from the Lord Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ [has done so] from God. Christ therefore was sent forth by God, and the apostles by Christ. Both these appointments, then, were...
by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Read
I was standin’ outside Sutherland’s IGA store one mornin’ when I heard a flivver approachin’ down the street toward me. “Which way to Millinocket?” “Well, you can go west to the next intersection; get on to the turnpike; go north, through the tollgate at Augusta. When...